Dear member,


UNISON disagrees with the current Trust Practice of forcing crews to work in different areas, UNISON members mainly in the North and East are constantly being told they are working in West and South Yorkshire. UNISON believes this is affecting cover in those areas and potentially putting members at risk.


Members have reported to have gone late into the shift without a break and then had to travel back to their station for  a break, also because crews and especially RRVs don’t know the areas they are being sent into are feeling vulnerable and at risk.


Further to this UNISON members are raising a formal grievance due to the fact members in the North and East are not being offered the overtime incentive unless willing to work out of area, UNISON that AFC implies that any incentive should have equal access within staff groups. UNISON members are also being told they have to carry their food on the vehicle and take it away from base station, this is against the meal break policy.


Unison is also aware that many of the current operational issues are causing friction between UNISON members in the EOC and road staff members, we ask that members email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any problems and not argue with other members.


UNISON urges the Trust to cease this UNFAIR Practice