Your Trade Unions are recommending rejection in the current ballots on the Workforce Plan.

The trade unions have been involved in extensive negotiations regarding the issues. We have consistently pushed for band 3 to 4 development and career progression for our other members.

However we feel that many other points in the plan are completely unacceptable, including:

  • Paramedic Plus roles are not being structured in line with Agenda for Change;
  • The majority of Paramedics are being left with no progression, the unions believe that the Paramedic role is a band 6 role;
  • Options for AEMTs are unclear and there is potential for many staff to face relocation;
  • The Trust proposes 20% of the clinician side of the rota will be staffed by band 4 EMT 1s. Band 4 crews should not be responding to a full range of emergency calls – this is not in the interests of patient care and brings extreme pressure onto these staff.
  • Meal Tickets are proposed to be abolished on August 1st, taking away any recompense for late meals or incentive for the trust to achieve meals on time. If the Trust thinks they can guarantee meals within safe windows due to staff increases then the meal tickets can be retained.
  • Maximum protection for all staff is being dropped to 3 years within the plan. This means that any members who face job restructuring in the future will not have the protection they deserve. This point is relevant to ALL YAS staff.
  • Proposals on staff numbers and rotas have not been put forward as part of the plan and we suspect that these will have a severe impact on members working lives.

UNISON, UNITE and GMB are all carrying out indicative ballots which will give members views on the currently issued plan. It is vital that you vote so that your voice is represented.