At the last JS Group we discussed retirement for AEMTs to aid efficiency of the Trust, and the need to progress this now for our members who may be interested.

It was agreed a letter would be send out to each individual AEMT, in order to get a feeling of the amount of people who would like to take this opportunity, if it applies to them, and from there costing could be obtained.

In order to plan for the future, also in cooperated into this letter are 2 other options.

Paramedic Conversion – to try and get a figure for future training requirements over the next 5 years, although it is envisaged a large amount of AEMTs will take this option, the Trust would like you to indicate if this is your intention.

Other – obviously if you do not see yourself in either of the above options just indicate here.

There is no commitment either way for any of these options at this stage, it is just an exercise to try and get some facts and figures, which is what some of our members have been asking us to move forward on their behalf.

Nothing in the letter is legally binding, and it may be once you receive further facts, you change your mind from the original option