April 2013 Pay Error-update

April 2013 Pay Error


Band 4 members who have this month started with the 5 year pay protection as agreed within the workforce plan will notice that there has been an error with the unsocial hour’s payment this month. UNISON sought and received the necessary assurances yesterday from trust executives that this was a genuine oversight and it will be rectified in May’s pay.


Members may also notice that their banding has changed on their payslips to band 3, members will then notice further down their pay slip that they now receive a ‘Long Term Protection’ payment. This is the difference between the annual salary on which you are protected and the top of the band 3 rate divided by 12 equal monthly payments.


Members are asked to wait in till after May’s pay date, once it has been automatically rectified by the trust to notify payroll of any errors still existing.