A&E Rotas28/5/13

A&E Rotas

UNISON Yorkshire ambulance branch has formally informed the trust that changing A&E rotas in October is completely unrealistic.

The main reasons for UNISONs objections are


  • Annual leave already booked
  • Current rotas not been given the opportunity to work due to the vacancy factors, so is there a need to change the rotas at all?
  • Uncertainty around  A&E establishment levels due to a demand increase from the introduction of the new 111 service
  • Not receiving the final demand data until July so will make the whole process rushed and stifle consultation
  • Learn from the mistakes of the past to ensure that any changes are implemented correctly and not hurried
  • Skill mix issues


UNISON would like to assure members that no agreement has or will be reached without extensive consultation and support of its members


These are only a few of the many concerns being raised by UNISON and its members.


UNISON is the only trade union negotiating on your behalf and encourages members to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any concerns and comments