After being approached by several of our members, the branch decided to elect two of our representatives to look into the above training package. This included getting the syllabus, hand outs and test sheets. This information was then cross referenced to Agenda for Change Job Matching, Evaluation and the Scope of Practise.


It is the branch’s belief that elements within the training are not fit for purpose and are set at a level too high for as band 3 role. This, coupled with the fact that a skills gap analysis was never done to determine what level the AES staff were actually working at, taking into account the lack of assessment and training in the past, has led to undue stress for our members. This is a situation which, we feel, can no longer continue. The findings of this work have been brought to the Trusts attention and we are awaiting further development.


We are also awaiting further discussions around the possibility of introducing an urgent tier role to the workforce plan.


In the meantime, we are aware some AES members are feeling unsupported by the Trust and some of the options of other suitable roles, i.e. PTS, are not forthcoming. We are continuing to work on this but in the meantime, if you did not receive a 1 to 1 meeting with your manager and are experiencing any difficulties you should request a meeting and contact your local union representative.